Wednesday, January 8, 2025
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Learn How To Tell Fresh Produce

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Particular food items have registered a reduction in price. For instance, the markets are currently flooded with fresh peas and beans. You can even buy some from hawkers at pocket-friendly prices.

A kilo of fresh peas has dropped from sh6,000 to sh5,000 in most markets, while a kilo of fresh beans now costs sh3,000.

Markets have also recorded an increase in the supply of matooke. Prices for a bunch of matooke now range between sh10,000 and sh20,000 in most markets.  

On the contrary, vegetables such as carrots and green pepper are now scarce in markets, thus registering high prices. A small plate of carrots costs between sh1,500 and sh2,000, while a heap of four to five green peppers costs between sh1,000 and sh1,500.

There has been a slight increase in the prices of dry beans. A kilo now costs between sh2,500 and sh3,000.

However, shopping does not stop at knowing prices. Choose fresh and quality items, which will enable you get your money’s worth.

Below are tips on how to tell the freshness of particular food items;

Gerald Kayiwa, a trader of passion fruits in Bwaise, a Kampala suburb, says passion fruits that appear green are not mature, whereas those with dark shades like purple or yellow and are crumpled are ripe and make good juice.

He also says apples with brown patches are not fresh.

Fresh oranges must have a tight skin.

Withered leafy vegetables are not fresh. Avoid cabbage with a foul smell.

Fresh green pepper should not be too soft and withered, while fresh cucumber is green and the yellow colour indicates that it is ripening.

Sweet bananas, tomatoes, managoes and avocado that are too soft or ripe are not fresh. Instead, buy those that are half ripe to avoid rotting.

Matooke that is not fresh has withered fingers and does not produce sap, especially when the tip of a finger is broken.

Fresh cassava and sweet potatoes should be covered with fresh soil or without dry skin.

Fresh fish should have reddish gills, tight flesh and should not be too soft when you press it.

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