Is it possible to intensively rear local chicken feeding them on maize bran and processed feeds? Julius It is possible to intensify local chicken-keeping …
Q & A
Growing less susceptible or resistant varieties where possible should be encouraged only that resistance to fruit flies is not common. However, one mango variety …
Music has a wide range of purposes covering everything from entertainment to medicine to religious praises. Just like humans, cows have good days and …
Is it advisable to use inorganic fertilisers in cabbage nursery bed preparation? How do I go about planting? Cabbages are an important vegetable in …
I am setting up a goat farm, can I buy my starter goats from the market in Kisenyi or Kalerwe? Joan Answer: No. Most …
My birds are dying in large numbers. Experts say they are suffering from New Castle disease. But I had already vaccinated them against New …
My birds are dying in large numbers. Experts say they are suffering from New Castle disease. But I had already vaccinated them against New …
What is multiple ovulation and embryo transfer? Is the technology available in Uganda? Answer: This is the ability to make a female animal (donor) …
Of course juice processing is the commonest value addition practice in Uganda. This is done by small holder fruit juice sellers and large scale …
Q & A
What Are The Losses That A Farmer May Incur During And After Harvesting Oranges?
by adminby adminSome losses arising from rotting are experienced where fruits are kept in farm storage for a number of days. This specifically happens in situations …