Saturday, July 27, 2024
Home Food Today’s Recipe: Penne Alfredo Quick, Easy To Prepare

Today’s Recipe: Penne Alfredo Quick, Easy To Prepare

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By Ritah Mukasa

Penne Alfredo is an Italian dish of pasta tossed with butter and cheese. 

As the cheese melts, it emulsifies the liquids to form a smooth and rich cheese sauce coating the pasta.

Ronald Desire Binoga, a brand chef with Blended Dubai Restaurants says, penne Alfredo is quick and easy to prepare. He shows you how;

What you need

Penne pasta 

Cooking cream diary/non diary for vegan options 

Oregano 1gm

Mozerella cheese shredded 80grms

Onion chopped 

Garlic chopped 

Cajuni seasoning 


  • Add penne to the boiling water with salt and oil (Oil keeps the pasta from sticking)
  • Boil for 11 minutes and drain 
  • Heat the pan to dry and add oil 
  • Fry onion and garlic to light brown and add cream 
  • Add Cajun seasoning, oregano and sugar 
  • Limit oregano to avoid the bitter taste
  • Add cheese immediately and remove from heat.  
  • Mix well and serve with grated Parmesan cheese topping.

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