Saturday, July 27, 2024
Home Featured Multiplying Your Kuroilers

Multiplying Your Kuroilers

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  • Kuroiler hens don’t sit on their eggs
  • You need to have a parent stock

The kuroiler breed of chicken is consistently changing the poultry industry in Africa, both at the subsistence and commercial levels. This bird right from its introduction in Uganda seems to be steadily challenging traditional commercial and subsistence poultry farming methods by creating a new poultry farming niche combining both methods.

This industry game-changing bird is transforming typically subsistence poultry farmers to commercial farmers using the unmatched breed characteristics and creating a more sustainable method of commercial poultry farming in Africa for the legendary commercial poultry farmers.

While the kuroiler hen will not sit on her eggs as she’s busy laying more eggs, Amina Sebbi says that her fertilised eggs typically bring good hatchability results when compared to the local chicken. You however need to take your eggs to an incubator for them to hatch.

But as the saying goes…, NEVER count your chicks before they HATCH! But 80% and above hatchability is good.

More tips in this video!

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