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Home Farming Tips How to Make A Sack Garden

How to Make A Sack Garden

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Sack gardens are made from perforated polythene or ordinary sacks sold in hardware stores.

Such polythene can be secured from mainly the industrial area and most places where building materials are sold or even at Container Village in Kampala.

A sack costs between sh2,000 and sh3,000. Once you have it, fill it with black loam soil mixed with farm yard manure or livestock dung, put stones that are the size of a man’s fist in the middle of the sack randomly.

Stones help the sack stand straight. Thereafter, create planting holes on the sides of the sack.

How many plants can I put in a sack garden?

A 100kg sack can take as many as 40 plants. Get seedlings and plant them in the holes on the sides of the sack and keep watering it.

In three months, you will start harvesting vegetables. You can place the sack in any empty space in your compound or even on the veranda.

The sack is watered regularly with preferably rainwater to help the vegetables blossom. Avoid using treated water as much as possible.

However, if you have to use it, do not pour it on the plants directly because it contains chlorine, a chemical that is dangerous for crops.

It is advisable to pour the water on the soil and not on the leaves. Alternatively, you can harvest as much rainwater off your house and use it to water the crops during the dry season.

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