Saturday, July 27, 2024
Home Farming Tips How To Increase Beans Output

How To Increase Beans Output

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By Prossy Nandudu and Joshua Kato

To increase the productivity of beans, there is need for adoption of either organic or inorganic fertilizers to replenish the lost fertility from the soils to replenish the soil. Also, government should provide storage facilities for beans at sub county level, for farmers to store and sell in times of sacristy, says Arnold Mbowa, a PASTTA Project Officer.

For Weevils management, Dr Seruwu called for the use of hematic storage drums or bags, used for grains to also store means, to eliminate the challenge of weevils and other situations that compromise the quality of beans in the market.

Interventions at research level

Dr Seruwu added that as MUZARDI, they are working with community seed producers in Buikwe district to make seed available. “The concept is being promoted through the community seed multiplication demonstration gardens. In the end, farmers will learn to tell the difference between farmer saved seed and grains but also learn better management practices for beans,” he said.

Other interventions at research level include to breeding of seed to address various challenges including nutrition, adaptability to effects of the changing climate and also for higher yields among others, added Seruwu.

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