Wednesday, October 23, 2024
Home Food Health Benefits Of Onions

Health Benefits Of Onions

by admin

Onions besides adding a nice flavour to our soups, they have lots of health benefits as I explain them below.

Onions contain phytochemicals called flavanoids (bio active components responsible for onion colour) and a very powerful antioxidant called quercetin.  These two bioactive elements make an onion nutritionally important in our diets.

The flavanoids in onions exhibit anti-cancer properties by regulating pathways that inhibit malignant (cancer) tumor growth.

The quercetin (antioxidant in onions) protect the cells from damage by removing free radicles slowing the aspects of aging process.

This antioxidant inhibits low density lipoprotein oxidation in the arteries reducing the risks of cardiovascular heart diseases.

Intake of onions induces chemical defence enzymes destroying disease causing pathogens in the body like E colli (diarrhoea) germs and salmonella boosting the body’s immunity.

Historically onions have been used in asthma treatment due to onion ability to inhibit the production of compounds that cause the bronchial muscle to spasm (constrict) and relax.

Onions are a great source of follicles acids to pregnant women and those women preparing 2 have a child which controls neural tube defects in children like spina bifida among others.

Ugandans should use them in treating coughs and common flues

How to use it

Chopping the raw onions, cover them with honey, allow it stand for 5 hours.

You can take it in bits and it soothes the throat and releaves the nose.

For patients with cardiovascular diseases, diabetes mellitus type, cancer, fast aging adults are encouraged to eat them daily.

And you don’t really need to take a lot of onions but just one medium sized onion a day cooked or raw is enough.

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