Saturday, September 21, 2024
Home Food Health Benefits Of Cucumber

Health Benefits Of Cucumber

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When she was growing cucumber, she was not sure she would eat some of it.  Margaret Katono knew she would only sell it to those interested in it. But after growing it, she decided to read about it and its nutritional values. Her reason for reading about it was to understand what she was dealing with.

However, the results were shocking. Katono noticed that by not eating it, she was missing many nutrients that are found in cucumber. Today, she grows cucumber and eats it as well.

Experts say many people do not want to eat cucumber because it is tasteless and others see no value of eating it but they miss out on the nutrients it has.

Josette Sanyu, a nutritionist with new diets in Wandegeya notes that cucumber is a fruit that shouldn’t miss on one’s menu because of the nutritional benefits it has.

Sanyu says a cucumber has fiber and Beta-carotene an antioxidant that helps build one’s immunity to be able to fight illnesses.

She adds that cucumber also has anti-inflammatory components that help to protect the body and the skin from irritations.

Jamil Mpiima, a nutritionist, says cucumber has water in it. Eating it a lot helps keep your body hydrated. This can be achieved by slicing small pieces of cucumber, eat them and the results will be overwhelming. He adds that another way people can eat cucumber is by including them on their daily menu. It can be eaten as a fruit salad either before or after food.

According to the World Healthiest Foods, cucumbers are good sources of phytonutrients (plant chemicals that have protective or disease preventive properties) such flavonoids, lignans and triterpenes, which have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer benefits.

Mpiima advises people to eat cucumber and always grow them even at home to ensure they do not run out.

Katono a cucumber farmer says growing cucumber in your backyard is very easy.

“Just apply fertilisers to the soil and leave it to cool for seven days before you plant cucumber seeds.” 

She adds that even after planting, it is important that you keep watering the cucumbers for them to grow well.

“With proper care, you will have a continuous supply of cucumber and you will keep healthy since eating them will be part of you,” Katono says.

Cucumber has immense health benefits when consumed regularly

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