Wednesday, January 8, 2025
Home Food Recipe: How To Process Mandazi, Juice From Sweet Potatoes

Recipe: How To Process Mandazi, Juice From Sweet Potatoes

by admin



-Baking powder


-Flying pan

-Cooking oil


Mix one packet of wheat flour (2kg), 1kg of sweet potato flour (2 tumpecos), one packet of baking flour, quarter a kilo of sugar, quarter of a tea spoon of salt, 2 tablespoonful of blue band, grated peeling from one lemon fruit and one egg into a clean container.

Mix the above ingredient thoroughly well until you obtain an evenly balanced paste.

Add two cups of water to the paste bit by bit and keep mixing until all the ingredients are fully dissolved into one uniform paste.

Sometimes, you can substitute one cup of water with milk if you like, but this is optional.

Leave the paste to rest up to 20-30 minutes to better results after and put the paste on a clean surface and cut it into uniform shapes and sizes for the type of mandazi you desire to have.

Put the cut out mandazi into a heated pan with boiling cooking oil and keep turning them until the colour turns brown. Remove and drain the oil out before packaging.



-Fresh potatoes



Boil and mash sweet potato into 2 litres of water and filter using a muslin cloth to produce a clear juice, after add other juices such as lemon and pineapple to the juice to improve on the taste.

Add sugar to the remaining water (4 litres) and boil the solution in an aluminum pan until syrup is formed. After, add the hot syrup into the juice mixture of sweet potato, lemon and pineapple fruit juice and heat the new combined mixture to near boiling point (80–90°C) in a stainless steel pan.

Then remove and leave it to cool.

Sterilise the containers and after, pack the juice into containers, when it is cool enough. Continue to cool the juice in its containers until it reaches room temperature. Then the juice is ready to drink, the juice can be dilute it with water.

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