Saturday, July 27, 2024
Home Research & Innovations Museveni To Met Agric Researchers In May

Museveni To Met Agric Researchers In May

by Wangah Wanyama
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By Prossy Nandudu

President Museveni to visit the agriculture research institutes to further understand their work and constraints to their work. 

The president will also learn about progress being made by researchers in the development of crops resilient to the changing climate and progress made as far as animal health is concerned.

This was revealed by the Minister of Agriculture Frank Tumwebaze while officiating at the awarding ceremony of royalties to breeders at Makerere last week.

The royalties or money that was given to breeders accumulated from the commercialization of the seed they produced as a team or individual researcher and was taken up by seed company, that has been selling it.

The initiative of paying royalties to researchers will generate additional income for research but also motivate researchers to do more and address emerging challenges, explained Dr Sadiq Kassim, Deputy Director General-Agricultural Technology Promotion, at NARO.

He said the initiative is aimed at developing a robust IP management frameworks and establish structures that progressively encourage the participation of private sector and industry in agricultural research.

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