Saturday, July 27, 2024
Home News Museveni Asks Lagu Farm To Enhance Black Soldierfly Larvae Farming 

Museveni Asks Lagu Farm To Enhance Black Soldierfly Larvae Farming 

by Wangah Wanyama
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By Samuel Nkuba 

Islanders have been urged to embrace the rearing of animals, poultry and black soldier fly larvae as other income generating activities related to palm oil growing. 

President Museveni during his tour on Buggala island in Bujumba county echoed that black soldierfly farming being a new project supported by palm oil wastes (decanter), there is still a need to sensitize islanders on it. 

Museveni while in the islands emphasised the purpose of the organic soil structure system where he preached agricultural diversification from palm oil. 

“This will boost incomes through poultry, cattle and goat rearing that graze in the farms and insects which boost egg production,” said Museveni 

By feeding these insects (black soldier flies) on these wastes,their larvae locally known as Enfenke have economically triggered the development of the landless.

These insects work as an alternative protein source for chicken, pigs and fish, which has driven people out of business due to high costs and scarcity of silver fish. 

According to Ms Asha Birabwa Kivejinja for the Kirunda Kivejinja Village Economic Movement that manages Lagu Farms, the project since commencement in 2019 has benefited 104 farmers on Buggala island. 

“We are targeting 600 farmers in Kalangala district with an aim of boosting household incomes,” said Birabwa. 

She further narrates that they are targeting households with little or no land and did not engage  in palm growing as well as adding value on palm oil industrial wastes.

Chicken feb on Black soldierfly larvae look healthier

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