Tuesday, September 10, 2024
Home Change Makers Kotido School Garden Feeds Learners, Community

Kotido School Garden Feeds Learners, Community

by Jacquiline Nakandi

By Ritah Mukasa

Every school, no matter the size or location, needs a garden. 

Alisen Nuwamanya, a professional agriculturist and backyard gardener says school gardens help to teach children about the environment. They also get an opportunity to experience how different foods are grown and harvested.

Besides, the learning process becomes more practical and engaging. The learners can see and touch and will never forget whatever they are taught.

For all those benefits and more, George Odongo, the head teacher at Lomukura primary school located in Kotido town, Kotido district in Karamoja sub-region says, schools shouldn’t have any excuse for not having a garden.

George Odongo, the headmaster in one of the school gardens. Photos by Ritah Mukasa

Kotido town is a generally dry area but Odongo and his learners defied the bad weather and planted three vegetable gardens.

They grow tomatoes, eggplants, cabbage, Sukuma wiki and pumpkins.

Every week, they harvest and supplement their meals. Besides, the garden has talking posters with messages that remind the pupils to preserve their virginity, avoid HIV, abstain from sex, participate in cleaning of water sources, keep girls in school and delay child marriages among others.

Betty Lorot, a primary seven candidate says they planted the garden in the first term with the help of their teacher Paul Okidi. They formed groups that water, weed and spray the plants on different days.

“I love this garden because we learn about vegetables, see them grow and eat them,” she says.

Daphine Hope Among and Norah Imen, also candidates add that the school no longer buys tomatoes because the pupils grow them.

“We also have a balanced diet. We also sell some vegetables to the community and get money to buy brooms. I personally enjoy spending my free time in the garden,” Imen says.

Peace Emily Achia a primary six pupil implores schools mostly those in Karamoja to plant gardens. Being in a dry area is not an excuse. Just water the plants regularly and they will thrive.

LEAD PHOTO CAPTION: Some of the pupils harvesting cabbage in the school garden.

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