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Home News Kabarole Maize Farmers Counting Losses As Dry Spell Persists

Kabarole Maize Farmers Counting Losses As Dry Spell Persists

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Farmers in the districts of Kabarole and Bunyangabu are counting losses after a prolonged dry spell hit the area.

Hundreds of acres of maize have been affected with some farmers saying that they anticipate a food shortage soon.

James Mugisa, a farmer in Karambit sub-county in Bunyangabu district, says that he injected sh4m to prepare a garden and grow maize on 3 acres, but it all dried up.

“I hoped to earn sh7m-sh9m after harvesting the maize. I got a loan to venture into the project, but the maize has all dried,” says Mugisa.

Abigail Kusemererwa from Kazingo Fort Portal City in the North Division, says that she received 50kgs of improved maize from the City Woman MP, Irene Linda, hoping to harvest at least a tone of maize.

“I planted the first crops at the beginning of April, but in May when it was flowering and about to start producing the pods, the crops dried up,” Kusemererwa says.

” I have never had a total loss but it happened this season because of a prolonged dry spell,” adds Kusemererwa.

Richard Baguma, a dry produce dealer along Mill lane in Fort Portal City, says due to the dry spell, a kilogram of maize flour now costs between sh3500-sh4000 from sh2000 last year.

“It’s hard to get good quality maize flour since most farmers have resorted to harvesting the premature maize to earn a living,” Baguma says.

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