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Home Food How To Make A Perfect Cup Of Coffee At Home/Workplace

How To Make A Perfect Cup Of Coffee At Home/Workplace

by admin

A good cup of coffee in the morning can set the mood for your whole day.

Barista Annet from the Uganda Coffee Development Authority takes us through the best way of making a cup of coffee at home or your workplace. 

Annet says if you are looking to brew a good cup yourself, it is easier than you think. She says simple things like storing your beans correctly and using the best filters will prevent unwanted bitterness or off-flavours from your cup.

Whether your morning coffee is made up of estate-grown beans and an elaborate brew process or you like a supermarket blend with a drip coffee maker, follow these basic rules for a delicious, satisfying cup of coffee every single time.

There are three common brewing methods for coffee at home. The long-standing favourite has been a classic drip coffee machine, but pour-over coffee at home is becoming increasingly more popular, and the French press is an easy favorite as well. Find out how to make coffee with all three methods with these easy steps.

That said, for 4 cups of coffee, that is about 60g (4 tablespoons) of ground coffee.

Annet tips on the best method for a delicious, aromatic, and complex cup of coffee.

1.   First, bring water to boil in a kettle.

2.   If using whole beans, grind the beans to a uniform consistency similar to ground table salt.

3.   Meanwhile, put a filter in the brewer and rinse with hot water. This removes the papery residue on the filter and warms up the brewer, keeping your coffee hot for longer.

4.   Add the grounds to the filter, making sure the surface is level. When the water is between 195°F and 205°F slowly and steadily pour just enough water over the grounds to saturate them completely, starting from the middle and working your way outward.

5.   Slowly pour in the remaining water, keeping the water in the dripper between half and three-quarters full.

6.   This should take 3 to 5 minutes. Carefully remove the filter, add the sugar, then serve and enjoy.

In every litre of hot water, use 8 table teaspoons of coffee.

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