Monday, February 10, 2025
Home Farming Tips How To Control Diseases In Oranges

How To Control Diseases In Oranges

by Jacquiline Nakandi

By Umar Nsubuga

Oranges, with their vibrant colour and sweet-tart flavour, are a cherished fruit in many households. However, like all crops, they are susceptible to various diseases that can impact yield and quality.

Ronald Kyozira, a commercial orange farmer in Bulunguli village, Bugweri district says one of the most common diseases in oranges is citrus greening.

He says this disease is caused by bacteria spread by the Asian citrus psyllid, a tiny insect that feeds on the leaves and stems of citrus trees.

“Once infected, the tree’s fruits become misshapen, bitter, and often inedible. There is no cure for citrus greening, so prevention is key,” he says.

He says regular monitoring for the presence of psyllids and immediate removal of infected trees can help manage the spread.

Gideon Zakke, an agronomist says citrus canker is another prevalent disease. It’s a bacterial infection that causes lesions on the leaves, stems, and fruit. These lesions can lead to premature fruit drop and an overall decline in tree health.

To avoid citrus canker, Zakke says it is essential to implement strict sanitation practices, such as disinfecting pruning tools and removing and destroying infected plant material.

Alternaria brown spot is a fungal disease that primarily affects orange trees with tender new growth.

According to Zakke, it causes dark brown spots on the leaves and fruit, leading to reduced fruit quality.  

To manage this disease, Zakke says growers should avoid overhead irrigation, which can spread fungal spores, and opt for drip irrigation instead.

Fungicide applications can also be effective when timed correctly, particularly during periods of rapid growth.

Citrus black spot is a fungal disease that manifests as black lesions on the fruit’s surface, making it unmarketable. He explains that this disease thrives in warm, humid conditions, so growers in such climates must be vigilant.

“Pruning to increase air circulation within the canopy, combined with regular fungicide applications, can help keep this disease in check,” he says.

He explains that by being proactive and employing integrated disease management strategies, orange growers can significantly reduce the risk of these diseases. This not only ensures a healthy and productive orchard but also guarantees that the delicious oranges we enjoy continue to be available for generations to come.

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