Thursday, October 24, 2024
Home Farming Tips Backyard Gardening Worth A Try

Backyard Gardening Worth A Try

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A large chunk of land is what will come to most people’s minds when one talks about farming.

Little do they know that farming can be done anywhere at the front of the house, on the verandah and in the backyard, among other areas of the home.

This is commonly referred to as backyard gardening.

Susan Luutu, a housewife and mother of two, says backyard gardening is one of those activities every household should try out.

Like any other type of farming, a lot can be grown in backyard gardening — from assorted ornamental flowers to specific grasses and edible vegetables.

However, Luutu says that before establishing of a backyard garden, one has to put into consideration things like future crop rotation, size of the garden, orientation to the sun and shade, plus prediction of future trees.

She advises those with smaller backyards also to consider growing their vegetables in recyclable containers, sacks and polythene bags so as to create more space for gardening.

Besides making a home look attractive, backyard gardening comes with a lot more paybacks.

Pius Angume, an agricultural specialist in Nakifuma, says many vegetables today have a high chemical content added in them which most consumers are ignorant about.

So growing your own crops puts you in control of the chemical content in what you consume.

Certain grasses, plants and vegetables like spring onion or garlic act as a safety measure at home.

“For instance tobacco leaves and other strong-scented plants help in keeping away hazardous reptiles like snake from home,” explains Angume.

Many homes spend quite a lot of money at markets purchasing vegetables which is not the same case as with a household owning its own backyard garden.

Luutu adds that most of these vegetables in the markets can be grown at home and are easy to tend to.

She goes ahead to mention some of the commonly purchased vegetables like tomatoes, onions, cabbages, sukuma wiki (kale) and pumpkins — all of which can be grown in the smallest of places.

Owning a backyard garden is like owning a small drug store at home, depending on what you plant.

Herbal plants like aloe vera and most vegetables have medicinal properties attached to them so making them a part of a backyard garden is one way of keeping doctors away.

So, what are you waiting for? Give it a shot!

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