By Ritah Mukasa
Birds are man’s good friends. They come with benefits to the family and environment. Forget that some birds can wreak havoc on particular plants like rice.
However, Rati Vishal, a resident of Lugogo bypass, Kampala says, one can attract the peaceful birds at home by putting in place things they love.
One such is the feeders.
Vishal’s compound is always decorated with birds thanks to the feeders she hangs in the different corners of her compound.
The same is true with Carlos Giorgio, a resident of Entebbe in Wakiso district.

He has different bird species in his compound. They include; weaverbirds, grey plantain eater, vermiculated owl, harrier hawk, hadada ibis, yellow-shouldered parrot, kingfishers and kestrels.
They come to feed from the mash he puts in the feeders and after, relax from the shelters. He also has a birdbath where they swim and bathe.
“Birds are a perfect addition to any home,” he says.
Apart from being decorative, they make your compound a welcoming environment all while eliminating dangerous weeds and insects.
Mariah Kiwagama, an interior designer and landscaper is of a view to also attract birds to other environments like churches, schools, offices, hospitals and libraries among others.
The feeders cost from sh20,000 depending on where you buy them. Some are metallic while others are made from clay.
Hang them in a strategic corner, preferably under a tree shade and add marsh.